Book Club Invitation

You are invited to join the Bluegrass Economic Education Society in a new Economics Book Club. We normally meet on the third Wednesday of each month. To join the discussion send an email to Frank Byron at

The discussions of each work will be led by Dr. John Garen, Gatton Endowed Professor of Economics, University of Kentucky

Consider these questions?

· How many economic choices have you made today?

· Do you have enough money to go to college?

· Why is one person poor and another rich?

· Can capitalism be moral?

Please send an email to Frank Byron at to express interest and access the readings or with any questions.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

BEES Book Club - Meetings and Readings

In September 2012 we are beginning an exciting study based upon the classic PBS television series and book Free to Choose, by Milton and Rose Friedman. Our study will focus on the validity and relevance of these works to current events. The video is narrated by Milton Friedman and then there is a panel discussion.

We will show one segment of the PBS video and then have a discussion led by Dr. John Garen. This is a very approachable TV series and book that most can understand and profit from. We will be using the 1980 version of the video series. These can be found online at:

I highly encourage you to purchase the book if you do not have it.The book can be purchased at many bookstores for as low as $.99 (Half Price Books) or at Amazon from about $10 paperback - to $117 for a new hardcover edition (Yikes). But, buy the book!  

The meeting  will be in the Herb Room at Bella Note. The reservations are in Frank Byron or John Garen's name. The reservations are for 6:00 and you are invited to have dinner and discourse before the meeting. We’ll start the discussion about 6:30.
Bella Notte
3715 Nicholasville Road, Lexington, KY 40503
(859) 245-1789 ‎

October 17, 2012,  6:00 PM, BEES
Free to Choose, Chapter 9 - The Cure for Inflation
Milton and Rose Friedman
Ø  What is the difference between our currency and other pieces of paper?
Ø  What is inflation and what things can cause it?
Ø  Will there be inflation in the United States?

Sep 19, 2012,  6:00 PM, BEES
Free to Choose, Chapter 1 - The Power of the Market
Milton and Rose Friedman
Ø  Other than economics, where is an “invisible hand” at work?
Ø  In a market exchange, does the buyer or seller “win”? Who makes a profit?
Ø  What makes sure the goods we want are on the store shelf?